Battery chargers and Range Extenderes

Here you can find all battery chargers (AC, DC and solar) that we offer to charge our Rebelcell batteries. Our chargers are specially made for our batteries and offer the best and safest performance for charging your battery. All chargers are very light, compact in size and easy to use.

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In stock

In stock

12V DC Stabilizer 3A

For stable 12V output

59.50 59.50

In stock

In stock

12V DC Stabilizer 9A (Model 2025)

For stable 12V output

69.50 69.50

In stock

In stock

DC-DC converter 12V25A Waterproof

For stable 12V output

249.00 249.00

Limited Stock

In stock

Solar Charge Controller

To charge your battery via solar panel

In stock

In stock

12.6V4A XT60 Lithium charger

For 12V07 AV / 12V18 AV / 12V30 AV battery

49.50 49.50

In stock

In stock

12.6V6A Lithium charger

For 12V18 AV / 12V30 AV battery

79.50 79.50

In stock

In stock

12.6V10A XT60 Lithium charger

For 12V AV batteries and Outdoorbox

129.50 129.50

In stock

In stock

12.6V20A Lithium charger

For 12V50 AV / 12V70 AV / 12V100 AV / 12V140 AV battery

179.00 179.00

In stock

In stock

12.6V20A Lithium charger for Outdoorbox

For Outdoorbox 12.50 AV / 12.70 AV

179.00 179.00

In stock

In stock

12.6V20A Lithium charger for Outdoorbox BT

For Outdoorbox 12.70 BT / 12.115 BT

179.00 179.00

In stock

On Sale

In stock

12.6V20A Lithium charger waterproof (IP65)

For 12V50 AV / 12V70 AV / 12V100 AV / 12V140 AV battery

Original price was: €279.50.Current price is: €179.00. 179.00

In stock

On Sale

In stock

12.6V20A Lithium charger for Outdoorbox waterproof (IP65)

For Outdoorbox 12.50 AV / 12.70 AV

Original price was: €289.00.Current price is: €179.00. 179.00

In stock

On Sale

In stock

12.6V35A Lithium charger

For 12V100 AV / 12V140 AV / 12V190 AV battery

Original price was: €299.50.Current price is: €199.50. 199.50

In stock

On Sale

In stock

12.6V35A Lithium charger waterproof (IP65)

For 12V100 AV / 12V140 AV / 12V190 AV battery

Original price was: €449.50.Current price is: €299.50. 299.50

In stock

In stock

14.6V3A Lithium charger

For Rebelcell Start

39.50 39.50

In stock

In stock

14.6V20A LiFePO4 charger

For 12V PRO batteries

169.00 169.00

In stock

In stock

14.6V20A LiFePO4 charger waterproof (IP65)

For 12V PRO batteries

299.00 299.00

In stock

In stock

14.6V35A LiFePO4 charger waterproof (IP65)

For 12V LiFePO4 PRO batteries

449.50 449.50

In stock

On Sale

In stock

21V10A Lithium charger for Outdoorbox ThrustMe

For Outdoorbox ThrustMe

Original price was: €139.00.Current price is: €99.00. 99.00

In stock

On Sale

In stock

29.4V12A Lithium charger

For 24V50 / 24V70 BT / 24V100 BT battery

Original price was: €179.50.Current price is: €99.00. 99.00

In stock

In stock

29.4V20A Lithium charger waterproof (IP65)

For 24V50 / 24V70 BT / 24V100 BT battery

299.00 299.00

In stock

In stock

42V20A Lithium charger waterproof (IP65)

For 36V70 battery

399.00 399.00

In stock

In stock

12.6V13A Range Extender waterproof

Charge your 12V AV battery 'on the go'

299.00 299.00

In stock

In stock

12.6V25A Range Extender waterproof

Charge your 12V AV battery 'on the go'

359.00 359.00

In stock

In stock

29.4V07A Range Extender waterproof

Charge your 24V battery 'on the go'

299.00 299.00

Out of Stock

Out of Stock

29.4V20A Range Extender waterproof

Charge your 24V battery 'on the go'

359.00 359.00

In stock

In stock

42V5A Range Extender waterproof

Charge your 36V battery 'on the go'

399.00 399.00

Rebelcell battery chargers

Our Rebelcell lithium and LiFePO4 chargers are specially designed for fast and safe charging of Rebelcell batteries. The chargers are lightweight and small in size. Thanks to the CC/CV charging profile and several built-in safety systems, our chargers are safe to use indoors.

In the table at the bottom of this page, you can find a suitable charger for each Rebelcell battery. Depending on the desired charging time, you can choose a suitable charger. For some chargers a waterproof versions is available.

The chargers are easy to use. Connect the crocodile clips. M8 tongue connectors or ANEN plugs, securely to the battery terminals on the battery and plug the other end into the socket. The LED indicators on the charger indicate the charging process.


Some frequently asked questions about battery charging will be answered below. If you still have questions please feel free to contact us.

Can I charge my Rebelcell battery with another charger?
Our chargers are specially designed for fast and safe charging of Rebelcell batteries. We therefore strongly advise against using other chargers to charge a Rebelcell battery. Any damage to the battery by using a different or incorrect charger is therefore not covered by the warranty.

How long does it take to charge my battery? And which chargers are suitable for my battery?
In the table below you will find an overview of which charger

12.6V4A XT60A Lithium charger12.6V6A Lithium charger12.6V10A Lithium charger12.6V20A Lithium charger
(normal or waterproof)
12.6V35A Lithium charger
(normal or waterproof)
29.4V12A Lithium charger29.4V20A Lithium charger (IP65) waterproof42V20A Lithium charger (IP65) waterproof14.6V3A LiFePO4 Charger 14.6V20A LiFePO4 Charger
(normal or waterproof)
14.6V35A LiFePO4 Charger (IP65)
12.6V10A Lithium charger for Outdoorbox12.6V20A Lithium charger for Outdoorbox (normal or Waterproof)21V10A Lithium charger for Outdoorbox
12V07 AV Lithium battery2-3 h.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
12V18 AV Lithium battery5-6 h.3,5-4,5 h.xxxxxxxxxxxx
12V30 AV Lithium battery8-9 h.5-6 h.xxxxxxxxxxxx
12V35 AV Lithium batteryxx4,5-5,5 h.xxxxxxxxxxx
12V50 AV Lithium batteryxx6-7 h.3-4 h.xxxxxxxxxx
12V70 AV Lithium batteryxx9-10 h.4-5 h.xxxxxxxxxx
12V100 AV Lithium batteryxxx6-7 h.3-4 h.xxxxxxxxx
12V140 AV Lithium batteryxxx9-10 h.5-6 h.xxxxxxxxx
12V190 AV Lithium batteryxxxx7-8 h.xxxxxxxxx
24V50 Lithium batteryxxxxx5-6 h.3-4 h.xxxxxxx
24V70 BT Lithium batteryxxxxx7-8 h.4-5 h.xxxxxxx
24V100 BT Lithium batteryxxxxx10-11 h.6-7 h.xxxxxxx
36V70 Lithium batteryxxxxxxx5-6 h.xxxxxx
Rebelcell Startxxxxxxxx4-5 h.xxxxx
12V80 PRO LiFePO4 batteryxxxxxxxxx4-5 h.3-4
12V120 PRO LiFePO4 batteryxxxxxxxxx6-7 h.4-5
Outdoorbox 12.35 AVxxxxxxxxxxx4,5 - 5,5 h.xx
Outdoorbox 12.50 AVxxxxxxxxxxx6-7 h.3-4 h.x
Outdoorbox 12.70 AVxxxxxxxxxxx9-10 h.4-5 h.x
Outdoorbox ThrustMexxxxxxxxxxxxx4-5 h.

Can I charge my battery in cold conditions?
No, with most of our Rebelcell batteries, it is not possible to charge them when the battery has a temperature below 0 degrees Celsius. Only with the Rebelcell 12V80 /12V120 PRO is it possible to charge at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius thanks to the built-in Frost Control function.

Can I charge my battery at any level and remove it from the charger at any time without any problems?
Yes, lithium batteries can be charged and also removed from the charger at any time. The only recommendation is to fully charge the battery after a long period of non-use (e.g. during winter) before using it again.


Order before 12.00 will ship the next business day. Our shipping companies comply with ADR regulations to ship lithium-ion batteries.


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5 years warranty on PRO batteries, 3 years on 24V BT batteries , 2 years warranty on all other products.